Flower of Life Sculpture | 2017
“The Flower of Life is a sacred geometry symbol that represents what Houston is all about. Opportunity and growth is all around us. Whether you’r native or a transplant, Houston welcomes all. This welcoming attitude is what makes Houston such a diverse city. The culture of Houston is ever-evolving which leads to infinite amounts of opportunity, hence the flower of life”. —Nicola Parente
Parente created a kinetic sculpture that spans 6 feet wide and stands 10 feet tall located in the 600 block of Heights Boulevard running trail. The sculpture takes the form of the Flower of Life. All cultures embrace the power of creation. Used throughout history, in cultures across the world, this geometric form has come to symbolize life in its many forms and interpretations.
Flower of Life Sculpture, 6 x 3 x 10 ft
Detail, Flower of Life sculpture
Detail, Flower of Life sculpture